book truth

The Book of Truth includes the series of messages given to the prophet Maria Divine Mercy (=pseudonym) since November 2010 until 2015. The Lord foretold her the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.
This Book of Truth has been foretold by the prophet Daniel.
The Archangel Gabriel said to Daniel (Daniel 10:21):
“But first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth.”
At the end he said: (Daniel 12:9):
“Go now, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the Time of the End.”
We are living in the End Times and all the secrets which were given to Daniel, and the secrets in the Book of Revelation of the Apostle John, are now being unveiled.
On this website we want to show the authenticity of the messages of the Book of Truth, by proving that the prophecies which are given in this book, are in fact coming true. A false prophet or seer will never give you messages with prophecies which become reality.

What are these messages about?
  • God’s Mercy, His Love for all mankind and the fact that Jesus wants to save every sinner.
  • The necessity of much prayer. Special crusade prayers have been given to us.
  • The Illumination of the conscience, the Great Warning, foretold at Garabandal in 1961.
  • That we have to stay faithful to the True Teachings of Our Lord, because it will be changed.
  • The danger of occult practices, the existence of the devil and hell.
  • The False Prophet, the Antichrist, a New World Order and the Mark of the Beast.
  • The 7 Seals of the Apocalypse
  • God’s Justice: the Chastisement
  • The Paradise, the New Heaven and the New Earth.
And: get the Seal of Protection!